Custom Shoring Design Prevents Lower Level Intrusion
We had a customer come to us with an interesting shoring solution. The challenge was to shore a floor slab to be removed without the ability of coming up from below which is the typical solution. After some out of the box thinking, we came up with a design that utilized our systems scaffold and a custom designed platform we affectionately called “The Led Sled”, a throwback to one of my favorite style of hot rods, shopped and dropped low profile, which is exactly what we needed. We fabricated a low profile steel framework that was suspended by four trolley assemblies in order to slide it under the slab and remove 4’ of slab at a time. The back end was counterweighted and secured upward to prevent uplift but allow workers and concrete debris on the leading edge safely. As the slab was removed, we would slide forward and add planking to provide a solid lid where the slab was removed but allow demo to continue. It was a fun project that helped the customer achieve their goal and keep the building owner happy below.